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To greatly reduce the likelihood of fraudulent activity taking place should your login ever become compromised, customers can authenticate with the Authy App. Authy, allows a smoother, safer and quicker way to authenticate. With Authy, you will also have the option to authenticate on multiple devices, including mobile, tablet and desktop. Find out more here.

How does it work?

Once you have enrolled with Authy, you won’t have to input the 6-digit code each time you book a trade or make a payment. Instead, you will receive a push notification. Simply click on this notification to be directed to a page prompting you to either ‘approve’ or ‘deny’ the trade or payment.

If you choose to verify with SMS, then you will receive a 6-digit code that you will need to input when you book a trade, make a payment, or add a beneficiary. Authy provides you with the choice to authenticate via:

  • Authy App
  • Authy Chrome Extension/Web App
  • Authy Desktop App
  • SMS
  • Phone verification currently only applies to SMS authentication and does not yet apply when downloading the Authy App

How to install Authy

How can i get started with Authy?

  1. Download the Authy Desktop App at:
  2. Select the version which correlates to the operating system (MacOS or Windows) on your device and click the download button
  3. Navigate to the downloaded file location (this will be in your downloads folder) and double click the Authy file.
  4. Enter your phone number including country code (Note: this must be the same as the number associated with your WorldFirst account)
  5. You will be asked to verify via an existing device, SMS or phone call – choose the method which most appeals.
  6. Enter the verification code
  7. Upon verifying you will be taken to a page where you will find a tile for WorldFirst. Click on this to retrieve authentication codes in future.

How do i get started with Authy App? (Android/iOS)

  1. Download the Authy App at: or from an appropriate app store for your device (Google Play Store or Apple App Store)
  2. You will be prompted to add your mobile number, including international dialing code. This number must be the same number registered to your WorldFirst account. If you have the Authy app and have registered the same number that WorldFirst has on account and have previously logged in successfully, you will be presented with an additional screen, where you will be asked to enter a 6-digit code in order to finish the authentication process. This code will be delivered via the Authy app. This 6-digit code refreshes every 20 seconds. You can read the code from multiple Authy devices. Once you have Authy you will no longer receive an SMS each time you login, unless you manually select SMS as your method of verification. Please note: for customers logging in the for the first time, if you have the Authy app, verification will still be sent via SMS. On subsequent logins verifications will be sent to the app, unless you opt for SMS. You will be asked whether you wish to verify via phone call or SMS. Choose the option which most appeals and continue with on screen instructions
  3. At this point you will be able to start using the Authy app to authenticate

How do i get started with Authy chrome extension (works on Mac OS, Windows, Chrome OS)

  1. Download the Authy App Chrome Extension at: the Chrome Web Store. Click on ‘add extension’
  2. The Authy extension will be available to use and will be represented by a small red circular icon in the top toolbar. Click on this icon and you will be prompted to add the download and install the app – follow the on-screen instructions and you will be taken to the Chrome Web Store
  3. Once this is installed, you will have to go through the setup process of adding your phone number (note: this must match the number you’ve registered with your WorldFirst account)
  4. You will be asked to verify via an existing device, SMS or phone call – choose the method which most appeals
  5. Enter the verification code
  6. Upon verifying you will be taken to a page where you will find a tile for WorldFirst. Click on this to retrieve authentication codes in future

Stream A

Death, taxes and expanding to the U.S.

This session will cover the basics of what your key tax obligations are and answer questions

such as:

  • What are the biggest mistakes businesses make when expanding to the US (from a tax perspective)?
  • How to avoid penalties: what happens if you don’t comply? How to stay ahead of changing regulations?
  • How to keep tax compliance from being a bottleneck?
  • What resources or tools can businesses use to manage tax compliance without an in-house expert?
  • At what stage should businesses invest in tax automation software?
  • How can automation help prevent tax errors?