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1688 및 콰징바오로 중국 상품 구매

콰징바오는 국제 이커머스 소싱을 위해 앤트그룹과 1688.com이 공동으로 출시한 서비스입니다. 이제 해외 이커머스 판매자는 주문을 외화로 결제할 수 있고 공급업체는 CNY(역내 위안화)로 대금을 받을 수 있어서 불가능했던 일들을 가능하게 만들었습니다.

다른 통화를 사용하여 역외 위안화로 환전해 주세요. 충전이 완료되면 중국의 주문을 결제하는 데 콰징바오를 사용할 수 있습니다.

월드퍼스트 계정에서 콰징바오를 사용하면 역외 위안화로 직접 1688 주문을 결제할 수 있습니다. 결제 시 역외 위안화를 원클릭으로 편리하게, 실시간으로 지불할 수 있어 비용을 절감하고 효율성을 높일 수 있습니다.

타오월드 및 콰징바오로 중국 상품 구매

타오월드 콰징바오는 국제 이커머스 판매자 및 구매대행사를 위한 원스톱 결제 솔루션입니다. 국제 바이어들이 외화로 타오월드의 주문을 안전적으로 결제하고 타오월드 공급업체가 위안화를 수취할 수 있으므로 어디서든 쉽게 업무를 진행하실 수 있도록 하겠습니다. 

타오월드 해외 공급 플랫폼에서는 수많은 타오바오 및 티몰의 화물을 직구할 수 있으며, 제품 선택 시 더욱 스마트한 방향성 옵션을 제안 드립니다. 더욱 안정적이고 효율적인 구매 환경을 제공하기 위해 타오월드 웹사이트에서의 주문뿐만 아니라, 공식 API 기능을 통한 대량 주문도 지원합니다. 또한, 안심하고 서비스를 이용하실 수 있도록 72시간 내에 상품을 발송하며 신속한 배송을 약속합니다. 

은행에서 역외위안화(CNH)를 월드퍼스트 계정에 충전하거나 다른 통화를 충전하여 역외위안화로 환전합니다. 충전 완료 후 타오월드에서 콰징바오로 주문을 결제할 수 있습니다. 

Managing FX

If you would like to make a payment immediately using the current FX rate, you can

  1. Go to "Payments" > "Send & withdraw"
  2. Select your payee and choose your buy and sell currencies
  3. By selecting "pay as soon as possible" and clicking confirm, you would have made a conversion and payout in one step

If you would like to lock in the current rate for a period of time and make payments with your locked rate, you can first book a currency forward. After the forward is booked, you can

  1. go to "Payments" > "Transaction management" > "FX forward"
  2. Locate your booked forward trade
  3. Click on "Add payment" under "Actions" on your trade, you can then make a payment with the forward rate.

For detailed steps, please refer to the How do I book a currency forward contract and fund later? guide.

To see the status of your FX trades, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to “Payments” in the top navigation
  2. Select “Transaction management”
  3. Select “FX trades”
  4. View trades that have been paid/Settled, process/open, cancelled or processing

To book a forward on your World Account, follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to “Payments” in the top navigation
  2. Select “Book an FX trade”
  3. Select your sell/buy currency and enter the amount you want to send (sell) and to be received (buy)
  4. Select the date you want your contract to be booked before you confirm the currency and T&Cs for the deposit and forward to be booked
  5. Review your forward details and click "Confirm trade" to book your forward

Buying from China with 1688 x World Pay

World Pay, created by Ant Group and, is designed for international e-commerce procurement. With World Pay, you get better exchange rates for offshore RMB (CNH) and can directly checkout with your WorldFirst balance on with just one click, making purchases more efficient and cost-effective.

Using it is simple: you can either top up your offshore RMB (CNH) WorldFirst account in advance or convert other currencies to offshore RMB (CNH). Then, start using World Pay to pay for your orders on from China. For more details, refer to Make purchases on 1688.

You will be charged for the following:

(a) A standard rate for auto-debit transactions when paying for orders - click "Activate World Pay service" for the total fee breakdown

(b) A tiered service fee (max. 0.2%) that will be charged according to your average monthly transaction volume (in CNY) on

One WorldFirst account can link multiple accounts, but a single account can only be linked to one unique WorldFirst account.

Buying from China with TaoWorld x World Pay

TaoWorld x World Pay is a one-stop payment solution designed specifically for international e-Commerce merchants and agents. International buyers can make secure payments for their TaoWorld orders in foreign currencies while TaoWorld sellers receive payments in CNY, making it easy to do business anywhere. 

Simply top up your CNH account with WorldFirst in advance, or convert other currencies to CNH. Once that’s done, you may start using World Pay to make payments for your orders on TaoWorld. 

Once World Pay is activated in your WorldFirst account, you’ll enjoy better exchange rates for CNH as well as be able to auto-debit CNH in real time for purchases in a single click. 

Making secure B2B payments with WorldTrade

WorldTrade is a B2B payment and order management system that makes global sourcing easier, more cost-effective, and more transparent. With WorldTrade, you can enjoy real-time payments with credit and debit cards at affordable cost or with WorldFirst balance for free. Your funds are securely held in escrow until your orders are shipped. You can easily find the latest order and shipping statuses.

Any business who source goods from Chinese suppliers can benefit from WorldTrade. You can buy from nearly 1 million Chinese businesses who're also WorldFirst users. However, we currently don't support buyers from Iran, North Korea, Syria, Cuba, Crimea, Luhansk, Donetsk, Russia, Belarus, Myanmar, Zimbabwe, Israel, Palestine, and China Mainland. Buyers with activated Zyla Accounts in the United States are also temporarily not supported.

Please note that if you're an existing WorldFirst user, WorldTrade will not be activated on your World Account until you have received a first order from your seller.

You can start transacting with WorldTrade globally in just 3 easy steps:

Step1: You can send an order invite to your seller via email or contact your seller directly to send you an order

Step2: Confirm order details and make the payment

Step3: Receive your shipment and confirm delivery

To activate WorldTrade, please ask your seller to send you an order. Once received, you will receive an email and be notified in your World Account.

Account security & user management

To reduce the likelihood of fraudulent activity, we’re using a one-time password (OTP) SMS and email as a two-factor authentication (2FA) when you login, create payees, make transactions including a few other tasks on World Account.

You can update your email and phone numbers by visiting My account > Security settings. If you can not receive the email or SMS, there are three ways to retry:

  1. Click ‘Resend’ to receive the OTP code, it should take 5-10 seconds
  2. Change OTP verification method by clicking ‘Change method’
  3. Upon login to the new portal, go to "Security settings" found in the top-right dropdown bar to update your 2FA phone number and email address. Contact us at +65 6805 4380 or [email protected] if you face further issues

Alternatively, you can use the Twillio Authy App to complete your two-factor authentications.

If you have the Authy App, you can complete verifications by simply clicking on a push notification without having to enter codes. You can download the Authy App and register with the same phone number you have on file with WorldFirst. And then, you can go to 'My account' > 'Security settings' in your WorldFirst portal to bind your Authy account. Refer to this guide for more instructions -

You can add new employees onto your World Account by following instructions:

  1. Click on the "My account" icon on the top navigation
  2. Scroll to "My team"
  3. Click “Invite a new user”. To invite a new user, you’ll need to enter their full name, the role you want to assign to them and their email address.
  4. The user will receive an invitation to sign up to your account. They will be required to verify who they are by submitting their identity documentation before they have access to the account.
  5. The new user will be shown in the “People” section of “My team”


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