친구 추천 시 고객님과 친구 모두 USD200 획득

등록 혜택!공급업체에 지불 시 200달러 보너스 받기

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쉬운 외환 관리

월드퍼스트 계정을 이용하면 당일 환율로 편리하게 환전할 수 있습니다.

간편·신속·안전한 방식으로 환전하세요!

다중 통화 계좌의 편리성과 유연한 통화 환전 전략을 종합하여 국제 사업 확장에 도움이 됩니다.

현지 은행에 직접 갈 필요 없이, 국제 네트워크로 여러 현지 통화 계좌를 쉽게 발급받을 수 있습니다.
국내 및 해외에서 여러 통화로 자금을 신속하게 수취하거나 결제할 수 있습니다.
안전한 온라인 플랫폼을 통해 365일 언제 어디서나 자금을 인출할 수 있습니다.


실시간 환율 정보 제공

비즈니스에 집중하는 동시에 실시간 환율 정보를 신속하게 받을 수 있습니다.

Never miss a beat

Our live rate alerts will instantly email or text you once your target rate is reached so you can take action.

No need to constantly monitor exchange rate fluctuations yourself.

즉시 결제 처리

결제를 긴급히 처리해야 할 경우, 경쟁력 있는 실시간 환율로 빠르게 환전할 수 있습니다.
실시간 환율을 통해 신속한 지불이 가능하며 80%의 결제가 당일에 처리됩니다.

Secure tomorrow's rate, today

When markets are unpredictable, having a locked-in rate means one less thing to worry about.

Pay for goods and services at a secured exchange rate for up to 24 months, without the budgeting uncertainty.

Target a rate, guaranteed

Focus on your business and never pay more than you expect. We’ll monitor the rates for you 24/7, and as soon as your target rate is reached, we’ll act, no heavy lifting from you.

fx rate alert

Never miss a beat

Our live rate alerts will instantly email or text you once your target rate is reached so you can take action.



Perfect for urgent or last-minute payments, you can tap into our competitive live rates for quick currency conversions. Known as spot contracts, these allow you to pay fast, with 80% of payments landing on the same day.


Secure tomorrow's rate, today

When markets are unpredictable, having a locked-in rate means one less thing to worry about. Pay for goods and services at a secured exchange rate for up to 24 months, without the budgeting uncertainty.

Get in touch with our currency experts to learn more about our range of fixed, window and flexible forwards contracts.


Target a rate, guaranteed

Focus on your business and never pay more than you expect. We’ll monitor the rates for you 24/7, and as soon as it hits your target rate, we’ll act, no heavy lifting from you.

Take a look at our live foreign exchange rates.

Send secure international business payments in dozens of currencies, all at competitive rates with no hidden fees.

Make fast and affordable international business payments
Send secure international business payments in 40+ currencies, all at competitive rates with no hidden fees.
1.00 GBP = USD

Exchange rate as of 10:54 UTC

The exchange rate is updated frequently and is for informational purposes only. The actual rate offered to you when making a payment will be confirmed before booking the payment.

맡길 수 있는 안전한 시스템

전면적인 계정 정보 확인

입금 시 즉시 알림을 받아보고 통합된 온라인 플랫폼에서 통화 잔액을 확인할 수 있습니다.

실시간 상담 서비스

채팅, 이메일 또는 전화로 문의 가능합니다. 언제든 연락해 주시고 문제를 해결해 드립니다.

안전한 자금 보호 시스템

세계 유수의 은행과 협력하고 엄격한 규정에 따라 고객의 자금을 안전하게 보호합니다.


Managing FX

If you would like to make a payment immediately using the current FX rate, you can

  1. Go to “Payments” > “Send & withdraw”
  2. Select your payee and choose your buy and sell currencies
  3. By selecting “pay as soon as possible” and clicking confirm, you would have made a conversion and payout in one step

If you would like to lock in the current rate for a period of time and make payments with your locked rate, you can first book a currency forward. After the forward is booked, you can

  1. go to “Payments” > “Transaction management” > “FX forward”
  2. Locate your booked forward trade
  3. Click on “Add payment” under “Actions” on your trade, you can then make a payment with the forward rate

For detailed steps, please refer to the “How do I book a currency forward contract and fund later?” guide.

To see the status of your FX trades, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to “Payments” in the top navigation
  2. Select “Transaction management”
  3. Select “FX trades”
  4. View trades that have been paid/Settled, process/open, cancelled or processing

To book a forward on your World Account, follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to “Payments” in the top navigation
  2. Select “Book an FX trade”
  3. Select your sell/buy currency and enter the amount you want to send (sell) and to be received (buy)
  4. Select the date you want your contract to be booked before you confirm the currency and T&Cs for the deposit and forward to be booked
  5. Review your forward details and click “Confirm trade” to book your forward

To make a partial payment to an existing forward, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to “Payments” in the top navigation. Please note that this feature could also be under the “Foreign Exchange” tab on your portal, depending on your location
  2. Select “Transaction management”, then select “FX trades”. View the trades that are open
  3. Select your open forward and select “Add payment” under “Action”
  4. Select your payee and the amount you want to sell based on the forward and select the date of payment
  5. Finally authenticate payment with one time passcode, confirm payment and then the payment is sent to payee

You can make multiple payments with one trade up to the booked amount.

To buy


To sell



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Make easy, fast and secure payments in 200+ countries and 90+ currencies. A world of payments with One World Account.


Collect business payments from around the world in 20+ currencies for free, as fast and easily as a local.


Team up but stay in charge. Connect to seamlessly reconcile transactions and reduce your accounting admin.


Grow your business with great rates and low fees. World Account assists you to keep more of what your business makes.

기타 제공 서비스 알아보기


전 세계에서 20여 개의 통화로 비즈니스지금을 무료로 수취할 수 있습니다. 현지 자금 처리만큼 빠르고 쉽게 수취하고 고효율적인 서비스를 즐길 수 있습니다.


전 세계 200여개 국가에서 90여 개의 통화로 간편하고 신속하며 안전하게 결제할 수 있습니다. 하나의 월드퍼스트 계정으로 세계를 연결합니다.


팀을 더 수월하게 운영할 수 있습니다. 원활한 자금 정산을 지원하며 회계관리 업무의 부담을 줄일 수 있습니다.

1688 콰징바오

구매대행 및 중국 은행 계좌 없이 합법적으로 1688 공급업체에 대금을 지불할 수 있습니다.