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TaoWorld x World Pay FAQs

World Pay FAQ

  • What is TaoWorld x World Pay all about?

    TaoWorld x World Pay is a one-stop payment solution designed specifically for international e-Commerce merchants and agents. International buyers can make secure payments for their TaoWorld orders in foreign currencies while TaoWorld sellers receive payments in CNY, making it easy to do business anywhere. 

  • How can I use World Pay?

    Simply top up your CNH account with WorldFirst in advance, or convert other currencies to CNH. Once that’s done, you may start using World Pay to make payments for your orders on TaoWorld. 

  • What are the advantages of using World Pay through WorldFirst?

    Once World Pay is activated in your WorldFirst account, you’ll enjoy better exchange rates for CNH as well as be able to auto-debit CNH in real time for purchases in a single click. 

  • What currencies does World Pay support for transactions?

    World Pay currently supports transactions in CNH only. If you have other currencies in your WorldFirst account, kindly convert them into CNH before using World Pay. 

  • Can World Pay auto-debit other currencies from WorldFirst accounts, such as US Dollars and Euros?

    The auto-debit function is available for CNH only. You may need to convert other currencies into CNH for auto-debit. We are working on the availability of other currencies, so stay tuned for updates. 

  • What service fees will I be charged for when using World Pay?

    The World payment fee depends on your country or region. Detailed pricing and promotional information can be found above the “Activate World Pay” button.

  • Are there any restrictions on the sign-up entity when activating World Pay with my TaoWorld account?

    Your WorldFirst account and TaoWorld primary account should be registered under the same business entity. 

  • Can I authorise multiple TaoWorld accounts in my WorldFirst account for the activation of World Pay?

    One WorldFirst account can be linked with up to 30 TaoWorld accounts, but each TaoWorld account can only be linked with one WorldFirst account. 

  • After linking my TaoWorld primary account with World Pay, do I need to link the sub-accounts with World Pay as well?

    All sub-accounts should be linked with World Pay. This can be done on either WorldFirst website or TaoWorld website. 

  • If my TaoWorld order, which I previously paid for through World Pay, is now refunded, will WorldFirst refund the service fee to me?

    The order amount and WorldFirst service fee will be refunded to your WorldFirst CNH account. The service fee will be refunded proportionally depending on the goods delivery status.