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Complaints policy

WorldFirst is committed to providing a competitive and efficient service its customers. Your feedback is important to us. Please let us know if you are not satisfied with a product or service we have provided. We have simple and clear procedures in place to set out how we will deal with any complaints you may have.

Our complaint process

When you make a complaint with us we will: acknowledge your complaint promptly (within 24hrs or 1 business day of receiving it) and make sure we understand the issue; try our best to resolve the issue; keep you informed throughout; maintain a record of your complaint; provide you with details including contact person’s name and reference numbers for you to follow up in case you want to and give you a final response within 30 calendar days (most complaints can be resolved within a few days).

You can make a complaint by a way that is most convenient to you which includes either calling us, emailing us or writing to us.

Our contact information

Complaints Department
World First Pty Ltd
Level 17
55 Clarence Street
NSW 2000

Tel: +61 2 8298 4990

Email: [email protected]

The investigation into your complaint will commence as soon as possible with the aim to resolve the matter as quickly as possible, keeping you regularly informed. A final response will be provided to you explaining the assessment of your complaint to you, along with any remedial action or redress. Measures to improve any systems or processes may be made where necessary.

We will deal with any information that you provide us with confidentiality and it is subject to our Privacy Policy.

External review

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can contact Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL). Please note that before FSCL will deal with your complaint, they generally require that you have provided us with the opportunity to resolve the complaint by first making the complaint with WorldFirst.

FSCL contact information:

Financial Services Complaints Limited
PO Box 5967
Wellington 6140
New Zealand

Tel: +64 0800 347 257

Email: [email protected]
