pricing list
Easier, faster business with our local currency accounts, opened for free within minutes.
Multi-currency accounts:
Open 10+ local currency accounts, including USD, GBP, AUD, HKD, SGD and more
Monthly account fees:
Our account is free to open and we don’t charge any ongoing fees
Xero integration:
Connect to Xero to reduce accounting admin and reconciliation
Phone/chat/email support:
Access a team of international payment and currency specialists based in Singapore
Currency conversion & making payments
Maximise your returns with competitive currency exchange rates and low fees.
Payments fees:
Payments fees vary by currency
From $0.6 to $15
International 1688 buyers
Up to 0.8%
Payments to World Accounts:
Instant payments between World Accounts anywhere
Currency conversions:
Competitive exchange rates for all major currencies including USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, JPY
Up to 0.6%
For businesses transacting more than $100,000 a month, we can tailor our fees to help you send more and save more. Find out more
Receiving payments
Get paid like a local without the need for an international bank account or overseas address.
Receive funds:
Collect payments from over 100 marketplaces and businesses from around the world
Hold funds in multiple currencies:
Get account details for up to 14 different currencies and hold funds until you’re ready to withdraw or make a payment
Businesses Trust WorldFirst
- Almost 1,000,000 businesses have sent $300B around the world with WorldFirst and its partner brands since 2004
- Your money is safeguarded with leading financial institutions