With the World Account, you have the flexibility to convert currencies efficiently, whether you have an existing balance or not. By accessing the “Payments” section, you can choose to convert with your current balance or through a spot trade if your balance is insufficient.
Convert with existing balance
If you need to convert when there is existing balance in your currency accounts, click on “Payments” under the navigation bar and click on “Convert”.

- Select your buy and sell currency pairs
- Enter either your sell and buy amount
- Confirm exchange details. Please note that the exchange rate will update every 10 seconds
- Once confirmed, the transaction is successfully booked
Convert with no existing balance
When you have no existing sell currency balance in your account, you can also book a trade to settle into your account on a future date.
- To do so, go to “Payments” under the navigation bar. Click on “Spot”

- Select the sell/buy currency and enter the amount and settlement date accordingly
- Check and confirm your trade details and click on “Confirm”. Please note that rates will refresh every 10s
- After confirmation, the trade has been booked successfully
- To settle the trade into your account, you can click on “Create a payment”
If you would like to book a payment with this trade at a later time, you may come back by locating this trade by going to “Payments” > “Transaction Management”.

- Under FX spot tab, click on “Add a new order”
- To convert funds back to your own World Account, select option “Settle to my WorldFirst account instead”
- Input your amount and settlement date accordingly. Click on “Next”
- Check that all the details are correct before clicking on “Confirm”
- The payment has been linked to settle back to your World Account