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Fraud awareness

At WorldFirst, the security of your money is our highest priority and we do our utmost to ensure that your money is safe from fraud.

WorldFirst’s international payment service is a great way to send money to people you know and trust. If you need to send money to someone you don’t know well, you may be putting yourself at risk of fraud.

Before authorising a payment from your WorldFirst account, we recommend you make sure you’re not sending money:

  • to someone you don’t know
  • to prove availability of funds to someone
  • to claim an inheritance or winnings from the lottery
  • to someone claiming to be a relative and in need of funds
  • to a person you met online and who is in need of funds
  • to pay for unexpected taxes
  • to claim the sale of shares from a previous investment

Contact us

If you suspect that there may be fraudulent activities related to your WorldFirst account (eg. WorldFirst account set up without your authorisation, a payment using WorldFirst account that you believe is fraudulent), please contact us via:

In all instances, if you think you are a victim of a fraud or scam we advise that you report it to Action Fraud and contact your bank.

Guard your self against scams and fraudulent activities

Phishing emails or texts

  • Verify if the email is legitimate by checking the email address or contacting the person or company who sent the email directly.
  • Emails and SMSes can contain malicious attachments and links. Hover over links before clicking any. When in doubt, delete or report it.

Impersonation and online scams

  • Scammers may impersonate as government officials to collect your sensitive information.
  • To verify authenticity of phone calls related to COVID-19 situation, contact MOH hotline 1800 333 9999

External resources

Singapore Scam Alert – https://www.scamalert.sg/