If you want to convert your funds into a different currency at the current exchange rate, you can leverage our competitive real time FX rates to make the conversion. After the conversion, you can either immediately payout the funds to another party or continue to hold the funds in your account.
Make a conversion and immediately payout to another party
- Go to “Payments” > “Send & withdraw“
- You can select an existing payee/payees or add new payees (For detailed instructions on adding individual and multiple payees, please refer to guides under Making Payouts)

- Select your sending and receiving currencies
- You can enter the amount by the currency you wish to send or by the currency your recipient receives
- Click on “Pay as soon as possible using your existing available balance“
- In the next step, you’ll be asked to verify with the Authy App or with an SMS message
- Once the verification is done, you’ll be shown a summary of your transaction details
- By clicking on “Confirm payment“, you’ll have made a conversion and booked a payout to another account
Make a conversion and continuing to hold the funds in your account
- Go to “Foreign Exchange“
- Click on “Convert now“
- Select the currencies you wish to sell and buy
- You can enter the amount in the currency you wish to sell or the currency you wish to buy. Then click on “Next“
- In the next step, you could check your conversion details and click on “Submit” to proceed
- Now, you’ve successfully made a conversion, and the balance will be reflected in your buy currency balance